Monday, December 13, 2010

Everything is better

with DIP!!  Abe has discovered the joys of dipping his food, in anything, mustard, ketchup, syrup, salsa, cheese, and it doesn't matter what it is, it will get dipped, apples in ranch dressing apparently is pretty yummy (not!). And I thought I had seen messes before, giving your 19 month old sauces to dip his food into is a whole new level of mess!

Peas Please

Well, Tanner didn't mind the peas too much but the peas didn't like him, poor little guy had some major digestive issues afterwards so we are back to just rice cereal for awhile!!

6 more days...

...and then 2 weeks of escaping this...

That would be Abe's cozy coupe car that the entire bottom is covered and our fire pit that you can barely see the ring.  I feel like we've been trapped inside, it's yucky and cold outside.  As long as it all gets here and out of the way by Sunday!!